Tuesday 22 March 2016

Forest Week

Pond dipping and looking for signs of Spring

Going on a 'Signs of Spring' hunt.

Building 'hides' to watch the animals from.

Hunting for mini beasts and looking at them under magnifying glasses.

Making homes for animals.

Thinking about the sounds we can hear outside and making musical instruments.

Mud kitchen.

Making up recipes for animals that have just woken from their winter sleep...

We found 30 newts in our pond today!

Pond dipping.

Den building.

Mud kitchen.

'Chocolate cake!'

'Spaghetti bolognaise!'

Homes for animals.

Making bug hotels.

Hunting for signs of Spring.

Pond dipping.

More bug hotels!

Mud kitchen fun!

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Digging for treasure!

Looking closely at the creatures we found in our pond.

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