Monday 23 November 2015

The first day of Forest Week

The children have enjoyed their first day of Forest Week and had the chance to take part in a range of different activities. As the weather has been so cold, please make sure that your child wears a warm jumper as well as a coat and thick socks (or double pairs). Most importantly please don't forget their gloves, scarves and hats. All clothing should be clearly named.Many thanks!
Here are some photographs of the fun we had today over in our environmental area...
Making mud cakes...

...and getting muddy!

Working as a team and managing 'risks'.

More fun in the mud kitchen.

Hunting for mini beasts.

Peeling and chopping carrots for our vegetable soup. Learning how to use peelers and knives safely.

Den building.

Building homes for animals.
Observational drawings using charcoal.
Observational drawings using charcoal.
Observational drawings using charcoal.

Planning an animal assault course.

Observational drawings using charcoal.


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