Friday 16 October 2015

An egg-xciting egg-xperiment!

We have been investigating what happens to hard boiled and raw eggs when they are dropped onto different surfaces! The children made predictions and then observed what happened when they pushed 'Humpty' off the wall onto a hard surface, into sand and into water - making comparisons and noticing differences. They also thought about making sure it was a fair test. 
It was all very egg-xciting!

Poor Humpty!

Discovery Time Challenge Cards

During Discovery Time the children are given challenges to complete, which often link with our weekly theme. At the end of the week many of the children like to bring home their card to show you what they have been busy doing. We thought this would be a good way to encourage the children to share some of their experiences at school, with you at home.  This week, amongst other things, we  have had lots of fun discussing the story 'Who Pushed Humpty?' They have also been designing their own Humpty Dumpty in whichever media they choose as well as practising writing their names (with chalk, paint, pens and in the sand trays!)

Friday 2 October 2015

Phonic web links

Hi, thank you to all the parents that were able to make this mornings literacy meeting.
A few parents asked for a copy of the letter formation slide. These will be given out at parent's evening.

As promised here are two links to web pages which support the teaching of phonics.
The first is very much aimed at children and gives help on how to pronounce each phoneme.
Mr Thorne does phonics

This link takes you through the Jolly phonic songs!
Jolly Phonic songs

Hope this is helpful.
David Trotman