Tuesday 29 September 2015

PTFA Coffee morning

Thank you for your support this morning.  It was great to see so many people at the coffee morning.  The members of the PTFA enjoyed meeting you all.
If you would like to get more involved in school activities the PFTA would be happy to hear from you. Just pop in to  the school office and leave your contact detail and we'll pass them on.

Thanks again from,
The Foundation team.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Our First weeks at school

Just a few photos of our first few weeks at school and some of the things we have been doing.

We would like to thank you all for your support over the last few weeks. It is great to see how the children have settled in to school life and how well they are working together.


We have sent home a booklet introducing the main characters in the Oxford Reading Tree books (ORT)

and the first set of key words which go with the ORT characters.  Sorry to Turtles class, I must start wearing my reading glasses!
Once we have finished assessing the children's phonic knowledge and their reading ability we will start sending home reading books. In the mean time please share the library books that the children are bringing home.
In the literacy meeting on the 2nd October I will explain more about how you can support your child's reading with the key words and how we teach reading in the school.
Thank you, Mr Trotman

Thursday 17 September 2015

PTFA coffee morning and Literacy workshop.

Hi everyone,
The PTFA are holding a coffee morning to welcome all of the new parents with children in Turtles and Penguins classes. It is a chance to meet other parents and members of the PTFA.
It is on Tuesday 29th September from 9 until 9:30 in the hall.

We are holding a literacy workshop on Friday 2nd October from 9 until 9:45 in the hall.
In this workshop we will explain how we teach phonics, reading and writing in Early Years and give some advice on help you can give at home. 

Hope to see you all there.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Starting school

Welcome to the start of the year.
Home visits are well underway and it has been a pleasure meeting you all again after the summer break.
We are all looking forward to next week when you all start school. It is amazing how quickly the children get use to the new routine of school life, so don’t get too anxious!

If you have any queries please come and see us.

See you all on Monday.